J. D. Yeakel bio photo

J. D. Yeakel

Assoc. Prof. @ UC Merced
Biology Program Chair
Former Omidyar Fellow @ SFI

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Posts, Art, Stuff

T his is a bit of an experiment, so we will see how long I keep it up. When I was younger, a lot of my interests in the natural world (and anything else) were expressed through making art. I pursued these interests through high school, briefly considered going to art school, but largely fell out of the habit as I made my way through college and into the sciences. I think there are a lot of ways to express yourself artistically in the sciences, which I try to do, but sometimes it's just fun to draw. I have to thank my 8 year old daughter for reminding me of that. Documenting it on this old blog, so here goes:


Art :: Office Space

Not a terrible place to work by J.D. Yeakel (June 2024).

Art :: Amphicyon

The 200-300 Kg 'bear dog' Amphicyon by J.D. Yeakel (June 2024).


Art :: Sarkastodon

The 500-800 Kg oxyaenodont Sarkastodon by J.D. Yeakel (July 2023).

Art :: Andrewsarchus

The Middle Eocene predator Andrewsarchus by J.D. Yeakel (June 2023).

Art :: Indricothere

An Indricothere or Paracerathere by J.D. Yeakel (June 2023).